
Computer Lab

  1. Entry for students to the Lab is restricted for Practical and course related work.
  2. Take permission of the Lab in-charge for doing assignment work or practice.
  3. Switch off Mobile phones, maintain salience and do not disturb others.
  4. Do not Eat or Drink in the Lab, maintain cleanliness.
  5. Take care of your belongings.
  6. Use the Computers for academic work, on line chatting is STRICTLY PROHIBITED and will invite stern action.
  7. Do not DOWNLOAD /DELETE/OVERWRITE any Software or Operating system without permission.
  8. Handle computer and accessories carefully. Do not change computer settings.
  9. Switch off the Computers, AC, Lights and Fan before leaving the lab

Assembly Hall & ICT Rooms

  1. Please register your requisition 7 days in advance in the register maintained for the same.
  2. Stick no BILLS, POSTERS, FESTOON (तोरण ). Notice Board and Hooks are provided.
  3. Check the place provided to fix BANNER and print the banner of that particular size only.
  4. Person making the requisition should TEST/CHECK at the time of taking possession of instruments and if not found in working condition, immediately inform to the equipment in-charge.
  5. Do not KNOCK on Mic to test, it causes DAMAGE.
  6. All instruments should be properly switched off as per the TECHNICAL PROCEDURE, do not immediately switch off power supply to projector; wait for its cooling period.
  7. Do not allow the STUDENTS to operate instruments/equipments as they do not know how to use and can cause damage, for which you will be held responsible.
  8. After use, at the time of handover ensure that the instruments/equipments are in proper condition and the place is CLEANED.


  1. Student should wear their Identity card while entering in the library.
  2. Any person entering the library shall record his/her name in the register maintained at the entrance counter.
  3. Only one book can be borrowed for a week.
  4. Books from the reference counter are for the current reading only.
    Please return the books as soon as possible on your own so as to enable others to avail of them.
  5. Please make maximum use of OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) and give full bibliographic details of the books required. This will ensure quick and efficient delivery of books.
  6. Use of mobile in the library is strictly prohibited. Misconduct such as group discussion, eating food, spitting, sleeping, smoking or any behavior creating nuisance, which would disturb other readers or breach the discipline of the library is strictly prohibited.
  7. Library material lost / mutilated / damaged by the Reader must be replaced by the same or latest copy.

Assembly Hall Photos

Computer Lab Photos

Gymkhana Photos

IT Enabled Classes


Sanitary Napkin Disposal Vending Machine

Dust Bins in college premises for collection of waste materials

Vermi Compost Pit